Nag Ashwin’s blockbuster hit ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ drew massive attention with its innovative fusion of futuristic concepts and ancient Indian epics starring Prabhas, Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan. A key scene featuring a silhouette of Lord Krishna in the Kurukshetra war with Prabhas as Karna ignited speculation about who would portray Krishna in the sequel. Although Krishnakumar Balasubramanian played Krishna in the original, rumors about Mahesh Babu or Nani taking on the role in the sequel gained momentum. In a recent interaction, Nag Ashwin addressed these rumors, stating, “I did not want to show the face of Lord Krishna in the ‘Kalki’ universe. But, if there is a full-length role, I think Mahesh Babu will be apt. I believe the film would collect huge numbers.” He further expressed his confidence in Mahesh Babu’s potential to embody Krishna, saying, “I really love Mahesh Babu garu in the film ‘Khaleja’. The situation is so beautiful. Even if we imagine him in the role of Krishna, I am sure he will pull it off.” Released on June 27, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ received an overwhelming response, raking in over Rs 1,000 crore worldwide, cementing its place as a major cinematic achievement.
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