It seems Ranbir Kapoor’s calendar is buzzing with activity as he prepares for a major transformation to headline the eagerly awaited film in the ‘Dhoom’ series – ‘Dhoom 4’. Currently he’s engrossed in filming ‘Love And War’ in Mumbai under the direction of Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Upon wrapping up his existing commitments, Kapoor is set to start shooting for ‘Dhoom 4’ in April 2026. Producer Aditya Chopra of Yash Raj Films is revamping the ‘Dhoom’ franchise to cater to modern-day audiences by teaming up once again with writer Vijay Krishna Acharya to craft an unprecedented cinematic spectacle with ‘Dhoom 4’ also known as ‘Dhoom Reloaded’. Beyond ‘Dhoom 4’ and ‘Love And War’, Ranbir has an array of major projects lined up. He’s set to star in the sequel to ‘Animal’, titled ‘Animal Park’ and ‘Ramayan’ directed by Nitish Tiwari. In ‘Ramayan’ Ranbir will portray Lord Ram, Sai Pallavi will play Sita and Yash as Ravana.
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