Salman Khan, Manoj Bajpayee, Farah Khan, Alia Bhatt and many other Bollywood celebrities turned to social media to pay tribute. Sidharth Shukla, an actor famous for tv shows like ‘Bigg Boss 13’ and ‘Balika Vadhu’ passed away today at the age of just 40. The cause for his demise is said to be a heart attack. Sidharth had appeared on Salman Khan-hosted ‘Bigg Boss 13’ and hence the super-star knows the late actor well. “Gone too soon, Sidharth. You shall be missed. Condolences to the family,” said Salman. Manoj Bajpayee, on the other hand, wrote, “Oh my God! This is so shocking! Words will fail to describe the shock and sense of loss of his near and dear ones! May he rests in peace!” condoling Sidharth’s death. Alia Bhatt, who has worked with Sidharth in ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’, said, “Sid. One of the warmest, kindest and most genuine people I’ve worked with… always smiling and always positive! My heartfelt condolences to his family, loved ones and his fans who loved him so so deeply!” Akshay Kumar and Varun Dhawan also paid their tributes to the late actor. Our heartfelt condolences to the Shukla family.
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