At the beginning of the pandemic, Bollywood’ heartthrob Kartik Aaryan had emerged as the torchbearer of safety. His video of how to mask up and stay safe during the Covid-19 threat went viral. But in an unfortunate turn of events today, the actor announced that he himself is struck with the virus and to pray for him for his speedy recovery. Sharing a picture of a plus sign, the actor wrote on his Instagram handle, “Positive ho gaya, dua karo (I’ve tested positive. Please pray for me).” Kartik made sure to stay at home for about nine months since the lockdown began and started work only in last December. He is currently shooting for ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ alongside Kiara Advani. The two walked the ramp for Manish Malhotra at Lakme Fashion Week just this past weekend.
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