Tiger Shroff is set to show off some swift action moves in his next film ‘Baaghi’. The actor has undergone training to learn a different kind of fighting style, Kalaripayattu, which was invented in India. “It took a lot of hard work and dedication to get just the basic postures of Kalaripayattu right. I have tried to display this martial art as honestly and authentically as my master showed me,” says Tiger. The actor says that Indian films should explore this ‘desi’ style of fight. “Kalaripayattu is the mother of all martial arts and has originated in India. It is surprising that we don’t make any action films based on our culture. After all, martial arts was invented here. So why can’t we be proud to be who we are and our martial arts?” wonders Tiger Shroff.
Learning martial arts, the Indian way!
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