Director S Shankar’s groundbreaking Hindi debut, ‘Nayak: The Real Hero’ (2001), featuring Anil Kapoor is set to receive a sequel under the production of Deepak Mukut. Drawing inspiration from the Tamil film ‘Mudhalvan’, the sequel is being called ‘Nayak 2’. As of now, it promises to delve into the political odyssey of Shivaji as he navigates the corridors of power tackling the pervasive issues of corruption and bureaucracy. Shankar’s original vision pondered the possibility of a lone crusader altering the fabric of governance, a theme ripe for exploration one more time. Reports suggest that efforts are underway to reunite Anil Kapoor and Rani Mukerji who would be reprising their iconic roles, while fresh faces are poised to join the ensemble cast. Though discussions with Kapoor and Mukerji are underway, details remain a mystery in this initial stage.
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