In connection with the Mahadev betting app scam case, the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Mumbai’s cyber cell has apprehended Sahil Khan, a prominent figure in the Bollywood and fitness world from Chhattisgarh. Sahil was detained in Jagdalpur on Saturday following the Bombay High Court’s denial of his pre-arrest bail plea. The court’s decision cited Khan’s direct involvement with the online betting application. Earlier this week, he underwent extensive questioning by the SIT, lasting over four hours, regarding his connection to the case. The estimated scam amounts to ₹15,000 crore, as indicated in the FIR filed for the case. Sahil Khan, known for his roles in Bollywood movies like ‘Style’ and ‘Excuse Me’, had initially gained attention through Stereo Nation’s music video ‘Nachangeh Sari Raat’. Transitioning into the fitness industry, Sahil emerged as a prominent fitness advocate garnering accolades from various organisations in Mumbai for his efforts in promoting fitness awareness.
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