Famous art Bollywood director Nitin Chandrakant Desai who designed many sets for films like ‘Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam’, ‘Bajirao Mastani’ and ‘Devdas’ passed away on August 2nd at the age of 57. The suspected reason for his death seems to be suicide as he was found hanging at his studio in Karjat, Maharashtra. In a statement issued by the Superintendent of Police (SP) Somnath Gharge, Raigad said, “Today morning, Shri Nitin Desai’s body was found hanging in ND Studios. We are investigating all angles.” As per reports, the famous Bollywood set designer had defaulted on a huge loan of Rs 252 crore. A bankruptcy court had even admitted an insolvency petition against Nitin Desai’s company recently. Film industry’s celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Vivek Agnihotri, Parineeti Chopra, Riteish Deshmukh, Sanjay Dutt and many others prayed for the departed soul and offered their condolences.
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