Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt is yet another adorable Bollywood couple. The duo has not publicly accepted its relationship, but at most events are seen in each-other’s company. “These days I am looking amazing with Alia because we will be seen together in ‘Kapoor And Sons’,” quips Sidharth. With Valentine’s Day round the corner, Sidharth reveals his plans, “I will be working on that day, maybe promoting the film. So Alia might be there, Fawad will also be there. So the three of us will celebrate Valentine’s Day together,” while laughing out loud. Fawad Khan, Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt starrer ‘Kapoor And Sons’ is set to release in March 2016.
Sidharth Malhotra to spend Valentine’s Day with Alia Bhatt
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