Rakesh Roshan and Shah Rukh Khan’s friendship goes way back to the days of ‘Karan Arjun’, ‘Koyla’ and ‘King Uncle’. All the films had SRK and were directed by Rakesh Roshan. Taking this friendship further, Shah Rukh will now feature in a documentary made on the Roshans. Sharing a picture with the superstar, Rakesh Roshan said, “Thank you, Shah Rukh, for your love, warmth and contribution to ‘The Roshans’.” It’s a self-produced documentary backed by Rakesh Roshan himself along with his son Hrithik Roshan. ‘The Roshans’ will capture the family’s seven-decade-long rich journey in the entertainment industry with anecdotes about generations of creators. It is also supposed to feature Rakesh Roshan’s wife Ira’s musical tryst with insights from Rakesh, his brother and music director Rajesh Roshan and Hrithik.
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