Just days after announcing a brief hiatus from acting, Vikrant Massey was spotted back on a film set shooting in Dehradun alongside Shanaya Kapoor, the daughter of Sanjay Kapoor for their upcoming movie ‘Aankhon Ki Gustaakhiyan’. In a video shared by a paparazzo, Vikrant was seen greeting Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami with a handshake and having a brief interaction. Shanaya, dressed warmly for the chilly weather was also visible in the footage. The film is reportedly directed by Santosh Singh with Mansi and Varun Bagla producing. Earlier this week, Vikrant stirred up speculation with an Instagram post hinting at meeting fans for “One last time” in 2025. The post led many to assume he was stepping away from acting permanently. However, the following day the ‘12th Fail’ star clarified his intentions revealing that he was only planning a “long break” and not retiring.
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